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Informazioni per gli editori musicaliInformazioni per gli editori musicali

To be a publishing partner means...

... to be represented in a database that lists all printed works in the field of music.

  • When a conductor looks for works on a certain subject: You are there!
  • When a music teacher looks for a certain educational work: Your publishing house is there!
  • When a musician looks for a CD with a long-sought title: Your CD will be found with certain precision! offers you as editor, composer or arranger not only these but numerous other advantages.

As publishing partner you should fulfil the following conditions:

You are interested in the widest possible distribution of your works. You want to open up new markets and new sources of customers. Our database complements your own Internet platform, in which you have invested much money and time, because many musicians and customers do not always know with which publisher the work has appeared. In our database the user has access to various links between different kinds of information, and your editions appear in the search results. Therefore you should:

  • Place your works in the database with exact and significant information
  • Represent your publishing house in its entire range of products
  • Continually add new works and keep your prices up-to-date
In case you do not always have the time for this, we will do the work for you. Free of charge!

What information do we need from you?

  • Catalogues, printed or in pdf format
  • Review copies of music (if you would like an illustration), printed or in gif format
  • Cover image in jpg format (or we can take it from your homepage)
  • Sound samples on CD (if you would like to present an acoustic excerpt), or in mp3 format (mono)
  • Background information (in txt format) and photos (in jpg format) of your composers and arrangers
  • Descriptions of works (in various languages if available), printed or in txt format
  • When presented in the CD shop, a review copy of the CD
  • Or send us everything in the form of a database (Excel, Access, etc.)
Please note: The more exact the data are that you deliver, the greater is the chance of being found in specific search runs.

What costs do you incur as a publishing partner?

No costs whatsoever are involved. All information and links in the sheet music database are presented free of charge, as well as all links to texts, sound samples, demo notes and sample scores.

What else would you call this service besides: a strong partnership. Contact us. – that's the future!
Tel.: +43 6133 81472
Fax: +43 6133 20746
Your Team

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