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Le tue indicazioni per la ricerca: Bancadati Spartiti/ colonne sonore, Titolo Vesta, cerca categoria tutte le parole disponibili

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Titolo Compositore / Autore Arrangiatore / Editore Level Duration N. di articolo
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act II, Duet: Just one word will be enough (soprano, tenor) The Bartered Bride (1870) Opera/Excerpts Smetana, Bedrich 3023062
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act II, Finale: Just be patientThe Bartered Bride (1870) Opera/Excerpts Smetana, Bedrich 3023063
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act II, Scene, Chorus & Dance: Beer foaming in our glassesThe Bartered Bride (1870) Opera/Excerpts; Choruses Smetana, Bedrich 3023064
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act III, Aria: Oh, I fe... feel so queasy (tenor) The Bartered Bride (O, was ich mich betrube) (1 Opera/Excerpts; Arias Smetana, Bedrich 3023065
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act III, Aria: The world is dead and blacker than night (soprano) The Bartered Bride (1870) Arias; Opera/Excerpts Smetana, Bedrich 3023066
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act III, Final Chorus: Gladly we comeThe Bartered Bride (1870) Choruses; Opera/Excerpts Smetana, Bedrich 3023067
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act III, Final Scene: Now we'll have a celebrationThe Bartered Bride (1870) Opera/Excerpts Smetana, Bedrich 3023068
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act III, Little Duet: There's no need to worry (soprano, tenor) The Bartered Bride (1870) Opera/Excerpts Smetana, Bedrich 3023069
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act III, Quartet: Ha, that hit like a lightning blast (mezzo, tenor, 2 basses) The Bartered Bride Opera/Excerpts Smetana, Bedrich 3023070
Prodana Nevesta B.143; Act III, Scene & Sextet: Stay a moment, Marie, to think, my dearThe Bartered Bride (1870) Opera/Excerpts Smetana, Bedrich 3023071
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