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Break of the Ancient Code - Esempio di spartiti
Esempio di spartiti
Titolo Break of the Ancient Code
N. di articolo 98073603
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria Musica contemporanea (1945-oggi)
Instrumentation Ha (orchestra di strumenti a faito)
Paese di pubblicazione Paesi Bassi (nl)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Compositore Melillo, Stephen
Livello di difficoltà 1
Duration 2:10
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti This work is on both the STORMJOURNEYS and STORMWORKS Chapter 1 Prime Recordings BREAK OF THE ANCIENT CODE was composed to assist the clarinetist in 'getting over the break' while also understanding the relationship between fingerings on either side of this 'break'. The first step encompasses a simple fingering pattern which involves the left or alternate side-to-side fingering for the new note F#. The musical fragment takes the clarinets into the chalameau register reinforcing the ability to hold a stable hand position in preparation for the left thumb hitting the register key. At m8, the clarinets have the melodic fragment. At m20, the clarinets have the same melodic pattern, but this time with the thumb key. This accomplishes a number of things: strength in the chalameau register, and paired, associated learning of related notes at the 12th, above and below the break. Also, because the part is soloistic, clarinetists will be inspired to play with a full and warm sound. Other sections are introduced to new notes which operate as leading tones and whole step neighboring tones.
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