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Memoirs of Alton Augustus Adams, Sr., The: First Black Bandmaster of the United States Navy - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Memoirs of Alton Augustus Adams, Sr., The: First Black Bandmaster of the United States Navy
N. di articolo 97883469
Sottocategoria Biographien
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Titolo della serie Music of the African Diaspora
No. in series 12
ISBN * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Anno di pubblicazione 2008
Autore Adams, Alton Augustus; Floyd, Samuel Jr.
Editore Clague, Mark
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Diese elegant geschriebenen Erinnerungen erzählen die Lebensgeschichte von Alton Augustus Adams sen., Musiker, Schriftsteller, Hotelier, und der erste schwarze Kapellmeister der United States Navy. Geboren in den Jungferninseln in 1889, trat Adams das US-Militär im Jahr 1917 bei, als Amerika die Inseln von Dänemark erwarb. Obwohl die Marine damals die Schwarzen zu Arbeitsplätzen als Servierern und Stewards beschränkte, wurden Adams und seine Ensemble der Schwarzen eingeführt, um eine Brücke zwischen den vorwiegend schwarzen Bevölkerung und ihren neuen, ganz weißen Marine-Administratoren. Adams benutzte weiter den Einfluss seiner neu erworbenen Prestige zum Vorteil seiner Gemeinde, vor allem im Jahre 1924 durch die triumphale Publicity-Tour der Band an der US-Ostküste, die die beginnende Tourismusindustrie der Inseln half.
Adams schrieb Artikel für Zeitschriften amerikanischer Musik und gründete Freundschaften mit solch einflussreichen Musikern wie John Philip Sousa und Edwin Franko Goldman. Als er eine ganz weiße Einheit während des Zweiten Weltkriegs übernahm, beschwor Adams mehrere seiner ehemaligen Bandmitglieder und so bildete die erste rassisch integrierte Band der Marine. Er entwickelte auch dauerhafte Freundschaften mit schwarzen Führern in den Vereinigten Staaten, einschließlich W.E.B. DuBois und George Schuyler. Adams Memoiren, die hier von Mark Clague bearbeitet und in historischen Kontext gesetzt, mit einem Vorwort von Samuel Floyd jun., zeigen einen erfolgreichen kulturellen Aktivisten, der glaubte, dass Musik die Welt verändern könnte, Rassismus zu mildern, und dauerhaften Wohlstand zu seine Inselheimat zu bringen.

This elegantly written memoir tells the life story of Alton Augustus Adams, Sr., musician, writer, hotelier, and the first black bandmaster in the United States Navy. Born in the Virgin Islands in 1889, Adams joined the U.S. military in 1917 when America acquired the islands from Denmark. Although naval policy at the time restricted blacks to jobs as mess attendants and stewards, Adams and his all-black ensemble were inducted to provide a bridge between the primarily black local population and their new, all-white naval administrators. Adams continued to leverage his newly acquired prestige to the advantage of his community, most notably in 1924 through the band's triumphant publicity tour of the U.S. Eastern seaboard, which helped jump-start the islands' tourist industry.
Adams wrote articles for American music journals and established friendships with such influential musicians as John Philip Sousa and Edwin Franko Goldman. Assigned to take over an all-white unit during World War II, Adams summoned several of his former bandsmen and thus formed the navy's first racially integrated band. He also developed lasting friendships with black leaders in the United States, including W.E.B. DuBois and George Schuyler. Adams's memoirs, here edited and placed in historical context by Mark Clague, with a foreword by Samuel Floyd, Jr., reveal an inspired cultural activist who believed that music could change the world, mitigate racism, and help bring lasting prosperity to his island home.

hardcover, 367 pages

Foreword by Samuel A. Floyd, Jr.
Acknowledgments by Mark Clague
Introduction: The Soul of Alton Adams by Mark Clague

The Memoirs of Alton Augustus Adams, Sr., 1889-1987
1. A Historical Memoir
2. The St. Thomas Craftsmen of the Nineteenth Century
3. The Value of Education
4. Music in the Virgin Islands and the Founding of the Adams Juvenile Band (1909)
5. The United States Navy Band of the Virgin Islands (1917-1923)
6. The Navy Band's 1924 United States Tour
7. The Close of the Naval Years (1925-1931)
8. The Naval Administration (1917-1931): An Evaluation
9. Civilian Government and Politics (the 1930s)
10. The Power of the Press (the 1940s)
11. Tourism and the Hotel Association (the 1950s)

Editorial Methods by Mark Clague
Editorial Notes by Mark Clague
Selected Bibliography
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