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Armed Man: A Mass  for Peace (Choral Score)
Titolo Armed Man: A Mass for Peace (Choral Score)
N. di articolo 9250038
Categoria Coro/canto
Sottocategoria (Chor gemischt a cappella, nicht zugeordnet)
Instrumentation SATB (soprano, contralto, tenore, basso)
Instrumentation/info ChoPrt (partitura corale)
Paese di pubblicazione Regno Unito (uk)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Anno di pubblicazione 2007
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Compositore Jenkins, Karl
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti As featured on the best-selling CD, this is a powerful and compelling account of the descent into and terrible consequences of war. Commissioned for the millennium by the Royal Armouries and dedicated to the victims of the Kosovo crisis, this work is a contemporary example of a mass based on the 15th-century French song L'Homme Armé (The Armed Man). The complete work sets sacred and secular texts including Tennyson, Kipling, The Koran and the Hindu Mahàbharàta within the framework of the Christian mass. Championed by Classic FM it has captured the imagination of music lovers everywhere to become not only a chart-topping CD but also one of the most currently performed and poignant choral works of the moment.
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