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Planet Passion - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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CD/DVD name Planet Passion
N. di articolo 6403410
Sottocategoria diverse andere Musik
Formato CD (Audio-CD)
Interprete Ancient Future; u.a.
Direttore Montfort, Matthew
Text language Inglese {en}
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Brief description Mythical Story of Love Around the World
Anno di pubblicazione 2001
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Durata totale ca. 51:25
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No. Titolo Compositore Arrangiatore Interprete Duration Campione del suono
1 Flirtation: Simsimay Panima Traditional Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; Singh, Manose (bansuri) 6:05  
2 Flirtation: Forest Frolic Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; Qi-Chao, Liu (Chinese flute); Singh, Manose (bansuri) 4:29  
3 Courtship: I Mett Her in the Medowe, a Traditional Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future 1:19  
4 Courtship: I Mett Her in the Medowe, b Traditional Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; Montfort, Matthew (scalloped fretboard guitar) 4:12  
5 Courtship: Ocean of Love Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; Montfort, Matthew (chitarra elettrica); Mikhailova, Irina (vocale); Ladzekpo, C.K. (Yoruba drums) 5:26  
6 Sacred Eros: Ochun Traditional Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; de Jesus, Pedro (vocale) 3:32  
7 Sacred Eros: Semara Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future (Balinese gamelan) 4:27  
8 The Wedding: Alap Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; Montfort, Matthew (scalloped fretboard guitar); Weiss, Patti (violino) 1:48  
9 The Wedding: El Zaffa Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; Lammam, Antoine (strumento a percussione); Lammam, Georges (violino); Sedler, Moses (violoncello) 4:26  
10 Seduction: Ne Po Pogrebu Bochonochek Traditional Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; Mikhailova, Irina (vocale); Montfort, Matthew (chitarra) 5:07  
11 Longing: Socha Socha, a Khan, Habib; Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future 2:00  
12 Longing: Socha Socha, b Khan, Habib; Montfort, Matthew Ancient Future; Khan, Habib (sitar) 8:34 clicca qui
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Neu clicca qui at: Verein für Musikinformation, 4802 Ebensee
Neu clicca qui at: Verein für Musikinformation, 4802 Ebensee

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