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Celtic Magic - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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CD/DVD name Celtic Magic
N. di articolo 6025388
Sottocategoria Soloinstrument
Formato CD (Audio-CD)
Interprete Douglass, Cynthia Lynn (keltische Harfe)
Text language Inglese {en}
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Brief description When first I played a note on the Celtic harp, my blood stirred in a way that can only be described as "humming to a tune from the old country." I began my exploration of the harp with traditional Celtic airs and lullabies, and traveled in my musical studies of the harp to many places and genres. I have come back full circle, like to an old friend, to the Celtic world, being re-inspired by local Celtic musicians on many instruments. The results are in this passionate recording of traditional Irish and Scottish jigs and reels, ballads and laments, for Celtic harp, fiddle, Irish flute, bodhran, and guitar. Total playing time: 62:25 minutes
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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No. Titolo Arrangiatore Music Campione del suono
1 Sheebeg and Sheemore/Sir Festis Burke    
2 Down by Sally Gardens/O'Carolan's Concerto    
3 Banks of Loch Lomond/Casey's Hornpipe/Brian Boru's March/Lord of the Dance Douglass, Cynthia Lynn clicca qui  
4 Clergyman's Lamentation    
5 Fanny Poeur/Planxty Cynthia Lynn    
6 Stirling Castle/Musical Priest/Drowsy Maggie   clicca qui
7 O'Carolan's Dream/Jack Broke Down the Prison Door    
8 Gin Ye Kiss My Wife, I'll Tell the Minister/Tho' I Go to Me' Bed/The Keiking Glass    
9 She Moved Through the Fair/Chanter    
10 Planxty Eleanor Plunkett/O'Carolan's Welcome    
11 Morrison's Jig/Last Night's Joy/Matt Maloy's Reel    

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