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Love's Garden - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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CD/DVD name Love's Garden
N. di articolo 6025381
Sottocategoria Soloinstrument
Formato CD (Audio-CD)
Interprete Douglass, Cynthia Lynn (keltische Harfe)
Text language Inglese {en}
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Brief description This romantic recording for Celtic harp combines some of my favorite contemporary and traditional love songs, plus a few of my own compositions. This music calms and soothes my spirit, exploring the many aspects of love I feel for those closest to me in my life. Most of the tunes are for solo harp, though a passionate violinist joins me on "O Danny Boy," the haunting sound of the glass harmonica combines with harp on "Foggy Dew," the quiet tranquility of the tenor recorder plays with harp on "The Wind Beneath My Wings," nature sounds accompany me on "Amazing Grace" and "Somewhere in Time," and I play the Irish whistle as well as harp on "The Town I Loved So Well". Total playing time: 61:54 minutes
Anno di pubblicazione 1992
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No. Titolo Compositore Arrangiatore Music Campione del suono
1 Somewhere In Time    
2 Music of the Night/All I Ask of You    
3 Love's Garden    
4 Through the Eyes of Love    
5 O Danny Boy   clicca qui
6 Edelweiss/The Town I Loved So Well    
7 The Wind Beneath My Wings    
8 Unchained Melody North, Alex; Zaret, Hy    
9 Until the Last Day of Forever, I Will Always You    
10 Rose, The McBroom, Amanda    
11 Foggy Dew    
12 Gratitude    
13 Amazing Grace Newton, John Henry Douglass, Cynthia Lynn clicca qui  

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