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Strauss Party - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Strauss Party
N. di articolo 4066976
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria Suite
Instrumentation Fa (Fanfarenorchester)
Format/Umfang PrtStm (partitura e parti)
Paese di pubblicazione Paesi Bassi (nl)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Titolo della serie Arrangement Classic Series
Anno di pubblicazione 2013
Compositore Offenbach, Jacques; u.a.
Arrangiatore Millstone, Patrick
Livello di difficoltà 3
Duration 3:30
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Nach dem Erfolg von André Rieu's Strauss & Co gibt es jetzt einen würdigen Nachfolger unter dem Titel ‘Strauss Party’. Unterschiedliche Highlights kommen in diesem Potpourri vorbei:

After the success of André Rieu's Strauss & Co, Patrick Millstone has followed up with Strauss Party. This potpourri of light music classics includes the highlights:

Après le succès de André Rieu's Strauss and Co il y a maintenant un successeur digne de ce nom sous le titre de Strauss Party. On entend plusieurs moment musicaux forts dans ce potpourri avec entre autres la:

Na het succes van het arrangement van André Rieu's Strauss & Co is er nu een waardige opvolger in de vorm van zijn tweede grote hit Strauss Party. Diverse highlights komen voorbij in deze potpourri met:

Radetzki Mars (Johann Strauss Vater); Wilhelm Tell (Giacchino Rossini); Leichte Cavalerie (Franz von Suppe); Cancan (Jacques Offenbach);

1 Full Score - 6 Flute - 2 Oboe - 2 Bassoon - 1 Clarinet Eb - 4 Clarinet I - 4 Clarinet II - 4 Clarinet III - 1 Bass Clarinet - 2 Alto Saxophone I - 2 Alto Saxophone II - 2 Tenor Saxophone - 1 Baritone Saxophone - 2 Trumpet I - 2 Trumpet II - 2 Trumpet III - 2 Horn I F/Eb - 2 Horn II F/Eb - 2 Horn III F/Eb - 2 Trombone I C - 1 Trombone I Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Trombone II C - 1 Trombone II Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Trombone III C - 1 Trombone III Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Euphonium I C - 2 Euphonium I Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Euphonium II C - 2 Euphonium II Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Bas Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Bas Eb (BC/TC) - 4 Tuba C - 2 Percussion I - 2 Percussion II - 1 Mallets - 1 Timpani

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Strauss Party - clicca qui Strauss Party (Fanfarenorchester), partitura e parti
Strauss Party - clicca qui Strauss Party (Fanfarenorchester), partitura
Strauss Party, Ergänzungstimme, Dublette
Strauss Party, Ergänzungstimme, Dublette

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