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Marching Togehter - Esempio di spartiti
Esempio di spartiti
Titolo Marching Togehter
N. di articolo 4014145
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria Orchestra di fiati giovanile
Instrumentation Ha (orchestra di strumenti a faito)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
Compositore Navarre, Randy
Livello di difficoltà 0
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti This is the ideal song to handout to your band first. It is very easy. All the rhythms are played together, and the song consists of quarter, half, and whole notes only. Only the percussion play eighth notes. In the first section, all intervals are step wise except for two notes. There is a drum solo for four measures, then the second theme is played. This section has some intervals of a third, but still the song is very easy. The song uses almost all the chords of the diatonic scale, so it sounds harder and more complex than it is to play. The two themes are repeated by the brass and woodwinds and then the two themes are played by the full ensemble for a grand finale. This will be the hit of the beginning band concert. Obviously, in a song this easy, no clarinets cross the break and the trumpet's highest note is A.
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