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I am the Resurrection and the Life - Esempio di spartiti
Esempio di spartiti
Titolo I am the Resurrection and the Life
N. di articolo 4002345
Categoria Coro/canto
Sottocategoria Kirchenmusik
Instrumentation CoroX (coro misto); Org (organo); / (o); Brass
Instrumentation/info SATB (soprano, contralto, tenore, basso)
Format/Umfang ChoPrt (partitura corale)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Anno di pubblicazione 2001
Quantità minima d'ordine 10
Compositore Dengler, Lee
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti This anthem has an antiphonal feel as the voices and brass play off of each other. The melody and accompaniment are exultant and victorious, as is fitting for such a glorious proclamation. The text, so often used in funeral and memorial services, is an expression of hope and comfort which is appropriate any time. “I Am the Resurrection and the Life” emphasizes the basic gospel message of John 11:25 with joyful and powerful music. Includes optional soprano solo. Organ accompaniment may be enhanced with optional brass quartet
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I am the Resurrection and the Life (coro misto; organo; o; Brass), partitura corale
I am the Resurrection and the Life (coro misto; organo; o; Brass), strumenti punteggio

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