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Song of the Spirits (Welcome to Halloween - 3rd Mvt) - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Song of the Spirits (Welcome to Halloween - 3rd Mvt)
N. di articolo 3212655
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria Suite
Instrumentation Fa (Fanfarenorchester); YB (Schul- und Jugendorchester); Flexi (variable Besetzung)
Instrumentation/info 8part; Perc (strumento a percussione)
Format/Umfang PrtStm (partitura e parti)
Paese di pubblicazione Paesi Bassi (nl)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Compositore Geerts, Thomas
Livello di difficoltà 2
Duration 3:10
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Dieser dritte Teil von Welcome to Halloween kann, wie alle anderen Teile, auch einzeln bestellt werden. Hier werden mit fremdartigen Akkordverbindungen die Geister beschworen. Bei diesem Stück ist besondere Vorsicht geboten!

Song of the Spirits is the third part of the musical theatre piece Welcome to Halloween. This piece can be ordered separately or as part of the complete set. In Song of the Spirits, strange chords and whimsical melodies summon ghosts. Caution is advised with this piece!

Song of the Spirits est le troisième mouvement de la pièce de théâtre musicale Welcome tot Halloween. La pièce peut être commandée séparément ou en ensemble complet. Dans ce morceau, on utilise des changements d’accords bizarres et des mélodies imprévisibles pour réveiller les esprits. Prudence conseillé avec cette pièce !

Song of the Spirits is het derde deel van het muziektheaterstuk Welcome to Halloween. Dit stuk is los te bestellen of compleet met de hele set. In Song of the Spirits worden met aparte akkoordwendingen en grillige melodieën de geesten tot leven gewekt. Voorzichtigheid is geboden met dit stuk!

1 Full Score - 2 Soprano Saxophone - 4 Alto Saxophone - 4 Flugelhorn I - 1 Cornet Eb - 2 Trumpet I - 2 Trumpet II - 2 Horn I F/Eb - 2 Horn II F/Eb - 2 Bas Bb (BC/TC) - 1 Bas Eb (BC) - 2 Tuba C - 2 Percussion - 1 Drums - 1 Mallets - 1 Timpani - 4 Part 3 in Bb (TC) - 3 Part 7 in Bes (BC/TC) - 2 Part 7 in C, (BC) - 2 Part 8 in Bes (BC/TC) - 2 Part 8 in Eb (TC) - 2 Part 8 in C, (BC)
Esempio di partitura * Esempio di partituraFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Ascolta su Musicainfo Radio * Musicainfo RadioFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Disponibile sì
Song of the Spirits (Welcome to Halloween - 3rd Mvt) - clicca qui Song of the Spirits (Welcome to Halloween - 3rd Mvt) (Fanfarenorchester; Schul- und Jugendorchester; variable Besetzung), partitura e parti
Song of the Spirits (Welcome to Halloween - 3rd Mvt) - clicca qui Song of the Spirits (Welcome to Halloween - 3rd Mvt) (Fanfarenorchester; Schul- und Jugendorchester; variable Besetzung), partitura
Song of the Spirits (Welcome to Halloween - 3rd Mvt), Ergänzungstimme, Dublette

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