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Mysteries Remain - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Mysteries Remain
N. di articolo 3197155
Categoria Formazione e/o solisti
Sottocategoria Trompete mit Begleitung
Instrumentation Trp (tromba Bb); Org (organo)
Paese di pubblicazione Svizzera (ch)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Anno di pubblicazione 1979
Compositore Sampson, David
Livello di difficoltà 5
Duration 17:00
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti With an organ composition there is always the dilemma as to how specific to be concerning registration. Since the composer conceived this work with a definite organ and building in mind, it was felt that more specific suggestions of registration would be of value. However, it should be emphasized that this composition may be successfully played on organs varying greatly in tonal concept.
The organ at Saint Mary's Abbey (Morristown, New Jersey) is a nineteen stop unenclosed instrument, bright in sound and patterned after baroque instruments in Northern Germany. It is housed in a large building with three seconds of reverberation. Though registration will vary greatly from organ to organ (and a larger instrument with an enclosed division might provide certain advantages) the organ part should always be assertive and colorful in character. The trumpet and organ parts are conceived as equal.

Gewicht: 0.142
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