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Concerti/band (at, ch, de)
Spartiti/ colonne sonoreSpartiti/ colonne sonore
Titolo Duo Concertante
N. di articolo 3177882
Categoria Gruppo musicale
Sottocategoria 3 Blechbläser
Instrumentation Trp (tromba Bb); Euph (eufonio); Pno/Ha
Format/Umfang Soli (Soli)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Compositore Barnes, James
Opus no. Op.74
Livello di difficoltà 5
Duration 13:00
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Instrumentation: Trumpet, Euphonium with Piano or Band

Commissioned by the USAF Band as a feature for two talented members of the ensemble at the time, a duo of brothers trumpeter Victor Bowman and euphonist Brian Bowman. The work is in three main parts including an opening Scherzo, an expressive yet simple Adagietto, and a Presto recapitulation of the opening themes followed by an extended trumpet candenza, a woodwind interlude and finally a short and energetic coda. The work is an excellent showpiece of the lyrical and technical abilities of the trumpet and euphonium and is available with band accompaniment for rental as well as with piano accompaniment, available for sale.
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