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Titolo Drum Set Fundamentals (Book And CD)
N. di articolo 3056461
Categoria Orchestra jazz
Sottocategoria (noch nicht zugeordnete Werke)
Instrumentation BB (big band)
Format/Umfang PrtStm (partitura e parti)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Compositore Mancini, Dave
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Here's an outstanding book that teaches the basics of drum set playing within the jazz ensemble. It's of particular value to directors who are not themselves drummers. Dave carefully explains how to set up and tune the set and takes the student through three basic styles: swing, latin and rock-funk, starting with very basic patterns and gradually adding elements as the player develops. The accompanying CD lets the student hear all of the exercises before playing them. This approach greatly speeds up the learning process. The CD also includes four full-length jazz charts and lets the student follow the printed drum part along with the recording. Various fills and patterns that occur in these charts are discussed and demonstrated.
Compreso Cd (play-along) Compreso Cd (play-along)
Ascolta su Musicainfo Radio * Musicainfo RadioFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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