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Titolo Evolution Of Solo Jazz Piano #1: Traditional Styles, The, Video
N. di articolo 3045804
Categoria Formazione e/o solisti
Sottocategoria Klavier Solo
Instrumentation Pno (piano)
Format/Umfang Video
Paese di pubblicazione Germania (de)
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Titolo della serie Video
Compositore Dobbins, Bill
Duration 1:41:00
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti The Evolution of Solo Jazz Piano is a study of solo piano styles developed by 24 of the most influential solo pianists from 1900 to the present. In order to clearly illustrate the specific contributions of the various pianists, Bill Dobbins composed a theme based on the well known standard All Of Me. By applying the stylistic approaches of the different pianists to the same theme, one becomes aware of the subtle yet evocative elements of each individual style. Common elements between Waller, Ellington, Tatum, Monk and Rowles, Tatum, Hines and Wilson, Smith and Ellington, Corea and Beirach etc., should make it clear that musical individuality is largely the result of the subconscious emphasis of some musical elements over others, rather than the self-conscious cultivation of originality for its own sake.

Part 1: Traditional Styles
Scott Joplin - Jelly Roll Morton - James P. Johnson - Willie 'The Lion' Smith - Earl 'Fatha' Hines - Thomas 'Fats' Waller - Teddy Wilson - Duke Ellington - Art Tatum - Meade Lux Lewis - Pete Johnson - Jimmy Yancey
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