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Magic of Appalachian Fiddling, The - Piano Accompaniment - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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Titolo Magic of Appalachian Fiddling, The - Piano Accompaniment
N. di articolo 3025500
Categoria Formazione e/o solisti
Sottocategoria Violine mit Begleitung
Instrumentation Vln (violino); Pno (piano)
Instrumentation/info Collection, Appalachian
Format/Umfang Bk (libro)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Arrangiatore McCabe, Larry
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti This exciting new series for violin by Santorella Publications will bring enthusiasm to lessons, practice sessions and recitals. Veteran author and educator Larry McCabe has filled each book with stylistically authentic, full sounding arrangements that are technically accessible as each arrangement is in the first position. Expand your artistic horizons while exploring the magic and diversity of these wonderful styles.

The Magic of Appalachian Fiddling from Santorella Publications features an assortment of traditional Appalachian fiddle tunes chosen to represent our historical roots in early American culture. This collection of Reels, Gospels, Waltzes, Mountain Songs, Minstrel and Civil War Songs, Rags, Blues& Tin Pan Alleys are very rarely found in print.

Every one of these twenty-four authentic 'Mountain Fiddle' tunes captures the sounds of a simpler time and provides a unique look into the cultural development of rural America. This Santorella Publication is perfect for practice and performance and provides an opportunity to explain to every student the significant role their instrument played in our country's birth.

Reels and Other Dances; Flying Cloud Cotillion;
Fisher's Hornpipe;
Haste to the Wedding Jig;
Jenny Lind Polka;
Sally Ann;
Miss Macleod's Reel (Mountain Reel);
Cabin Creek;
Modal Tunes; June Apple;
Hog-eyed Man;
Gospel; Amazing Grace;
In the Sweet By and By;
Waltzes; Country Waltz;
Tombigbee Waltz;
Mountain Songs with Fiddle Solos; More Pretty Girls Than One;
Free Little Bird;
Minstrel and Civil War; Stony Point;
Angeline the Baker;
Rags, Blues and Tin Pan Alley; At A Georgia Campmeeting;
Pig Ankle Rag;
Waiting for the Robert E. Lee;
Rising Sun Blues
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